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Refer to the available schemas in the tables below.


ContractsContractsMain table with Contract data.
ContractItemsTable of contract items.
ContractAttributeValuesTable of attribute values for contracts. Attributes are custom fields defined by the client.


InvoicesInvoicesMain table with Invoice data.
InvoiceItemsTable of invoice items.
InvoiceItemOrdersTable that relates order data to invoice data.


OrdersOrdersMain table with Order data.
OrderBorgsTable that relates order data to organizations (business units) of the client.
OrderItemsTable of order items.
OrderItemBorgsTable that relates order data, order items, and organizations (business units) of the client.
OrderItemRequestsTable that relates order data to requests.
OrderItemDeliveriesTable that relates order data to item deliveries.
OrderAddressesTable with order address data.
OrderItemDatesTable with delivery dates for order items.


PreOrdersPreOrdersMain table with Pre-order data.
PreOrderApprovalsTable that relates pre-order data to approval data for purchase requests.
PreOrderBorgsTable that relates pre-order data to organizations (business units) of the client.
PreOrderAddressesTable with addresses for pre-orders.
PreOrderItemsTable of pre-order items.
PreOrderItemBorgsTable that relates pre-order data, pre-order items, and organizations (business units) of the client.
PreOrderItemRequestsTable that relates pre-order data to requests.
PreOrderItemDeliveriesTable with pre-order data and item deliveries.


ProductsProductsMain table with Product data.


RequestsRequestsMain table with Request data.
RequestApprovalsTable that relates request data to approvers.
RequestBorgsTable that relates request data to organizations (business units) of the client.
RequestAddressesTable with addresses for requests.
RequestItemsTable of request items.
RequestItemBorgsTable that relates request data, request items, and organizations (business units) of the client.
RequestItemStatusTable with status data for request items. Examples of status: In order, in pre-order, in reverse auction, in RFQ.
RequestItemMagsTable with data about <glossary:MAGS> for request items.
RequestItemDeliverySchedulesTable with delivery scheduling data for request items.
RequestItemCostObjectsTable with cost object data for request items. A request can have one or more cost objects and perform cost allocation for the selected cost objects, dividing by quantity, percentage, or value.
RequestAttachmentsTable with attachments data for requests.
RequestAttributeValuesTable with attribute values data for requests. Attributes are custom fields defined by the client.
RequestItemAttributeValuesTable with attribute values data for request items. Attributes are custom fields defined by the client.


RfqsRfqsMain table with Quotation data.
RfqItemsTable of quotation items.
RfqItemRequestsTable that relates quotation items with request items.
RfqResponseItemsTable with response data from suppliers for each quotation item.
RfqResponseItemHistoryTable with the history of supplier responses to quotation items.
RfqAttendeesTable with suppliers participating in the quotation.
RfqTasksTable of quotation tasks.
RfqBorgsTable that relates quotation data to organizations (business units) of the client.
RfqResponseItemCounterProposalsTable with counter-proposal data for quotation items.
RfqResponseTaxesTable with tax data for quotation items.


ServiceOrdersServiceOrdersMain table with Service Order data.


TrackingTransactionsTrackingTransactionsTable that relates information from requests, quotations, pre-orders, orders, and invoices with their items and creation dates.


UsersUsersMain table with User data.