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Order Acceptance and Refusal

Learn more about the Supplier Orders - Acceptance and Refusal API provided by ME for suppliers.

Through the Supplier Orders - Acceptance and Refusal API, you have a tool for interaction between your ERP and E-Procurement ME Web. This API allows you to receive notifications and details of orders received by your company so you can read, accept, or refuse the request.


To access the Supplier Orders - Acceptance and Refusal API, you will need a clientId and a secret. For more information, visit Credentials.
After obtaining the clientId and secret, access the POST endpoint Generate Token and follow the instructions to generate the token that will be used in requests to the API.

Order Details

Before accepting or refusing an order, you will consult the details to determine if you can meet the items, quantities, and delivery deadlines. At this analysis stage, the order should be marked as Read. For more information about Order Status, visit the same page.

You can obtain all details such as Order ID, Customer ID who created the order, and more through the endpoints:

By using the GET Get orders endpoint, only orders from the last 90 days will be listed by default. To access orders from a longer period, you need to add this request in the parameters through the orderLimitInDays field.

Below are all the queries you can perform on orders and order items.

Queries by Order Number

The supplier can perform specific queries by order number, always providing the orderId, for example:

Query by Order NumberEndpoint
Query Attributes of the orderGET Get the order attributes based on the order Id
Query Deliveries of the orderGET Get the order deliveries based on the order Id
Query Business Units of the orderGET Get the order business organizations based on the order Id
Query Items of the orderGET Get a list of order items based on the order Id

Queries by Item Number

In addition to queries by order number, the supplier can also make queries by item number by providing the orderId and itemNumber fields:

Query by Item NumberEndpoint
Query Attributes of the ItemGET Get the attributes of an item based on the orderId and itemNumber
Query Item Deliveries with AllocationGET Get the deliveries based on its orderId and orderItemId
Query Business Units of the ItemGET Get the business organizations of an item based on the orderId and itemNumber

Queries for Different Delivery Dates and Locations by Items

Delivery dates and locations can differ for items in an order. To consult these details, make a call to the endpoint:

Suppliers can perform the following actions on orders:

Mark as Read

When the supplier marks the order as read, it means they are reviewing and validating necessary details, such as product quantity in stock, delivery deadlines, and more.

The order can be marked as read using the following endpoint:

❗️ Attention

If the order undergoes any changes by the buyer, it will return to the unread queue with a new orderID from ME.

At this point, when the order status is read, the buyer may also cancel the order.


The order can be confirmed using the following endpoint:

When the order is validated and confirmed by the supplier, the buyer may still make changes or even cancel the order. Learn more about Order Modification and Cancellation by the Buyer.


The refusal can be:

  • Partial: for one or more items in the order or
  • Cancellation of the entire order.

When an order is refused by the supplier and the buyer makes a change, a new order is generated and sent again to the supplier, entering as unread. This new order will have a new orderID from ME, but the buyer's order number will remain the same.

If only minor adjustments are needed, such as description or delivery date, a new ME order number is not generated, but it will become unread again.

The order can be refused using the following endpoint:

  • PATCH Rejects an order based on the order Id and reason for rejection, providing the reason for refusal in the request body:
    • Unknown
    • OutOfStock
    • DoesNotWorkWithItem
    • ItemIsNoLongerProduced
    • DoesNotMeetTheSpecifiedDeliveryTime
    • UnableToReplyWithinTheSetResponseTime
    • DoesNotMeetSpecifiedPaymentCondition
    • DoesNotMeetTheSpecifiedPaymentDeadline
    • Other
    • DoNotAcceptTheConditionOfSupply
    • DelayedApprovalOfDrawings
    • InspectionDelay
    • DelaysInEventsRequiringCustomerAuthorization
    • DelayDueToStrikeMovement
    • DelayDueToForceMajeure

Notifications via Webhooks

You can be notified via webhooks whenever you receive a new order and can make a request to the GET Get an order based on the order Id endpoint to receive order details.

For more information, see Webhooks.