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Below are the schemas and relationships for the Invoices.

IdInternal identifierString
TenantIdCustomer identifierString
InvoiceIdPrimary key for the Invoices schemaString
SupplierIdSupplier identifierString
StatusInvoice status. Example: Created, Integrated, Under Review, Accepted, Rejected.String
CategoryCodeInvoice category codeString
InvoiceNumberInvoice numberString
TotalTotal amount of the invoiceDouble
DocumentNumberCompany's document number (e.g., National Registration of Legal Entities in the country). Example: CNPJ, IE, EIN, etc.String
DiscountsDiscount offeredDouble
FreightFreight costs (shipping fee)Double
NoteAdditional notesString
SupplierNameSupplier's nameString
SupplierAddressSupplier's addressString
SupplierNumberSupplier's numberString
SupplierComplementSupplier's complementString
SupplierDistrictSupplier's districtString
SupplierZipCodeSupplier's postal codeString
SupplierCitySupplier's cityString
SupplierStateSupplier's stateString
SupplierCountrySupplier's countryString
IssuedByName of the invoice issuerString
CreatedDateInvoice creation dateDatetime
UpdatedAtDate of the last update of the recordDatetime

Invoices Schema Joins

The Invoices schema has relationships with the following schemas:

SchemaRelationship ColumnDescription
InvoiceItemsInvoiceIdRelates the Invoices rows with the InvoiceItems rows
InvoiceItemOrdersInvoiceIdRelates the Invoices rows with the InvoiceItemOrders rows
TrackingTransactionsInvoiceIdRelates the Invoices rows with the TrackingTransactions rows


IdInternal identifierString
TenantIdCustomer identifierString
QuantityQuantity of items on the invoiceDouble
InvoiceIdPrimary key for the Invoices schemaString
InvoiceItemIdItem number on the invoiceString
ProductCodeProduct code for the item on the invoiceString
ProductClientCodeProduct code for the item on the invoice in the client's systemString
DescriptionDescription of the item on the invoiceString
MeasureUnit of measure for the productString
UnitPriceUnit price of the item on the invoiceDouble
UpdatedAtDate of the last update of the recordDatetime

InvoiceItems Schema Joins

The InvoiceItems schema has relationships with the following schemas:

SchemaRelationship ColumnDescription
InvoicesInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceItems rows with the Invoices rows
InvoiceItemOrdersInvoiceId, InvoiceItemIdRelates the InvoiceItems rows with the InvoiceItemOrders rows
TrackingTransactionsInvoiceId, InvoiceItemIdRelates the InvoiceItems rows with the TrackingTransactions rows


IdInternal identifierString
TenantIdCustomer identifierString
InvoiceIdPrimary key for the Invoices schemaString
InvoiceItemIdItem number on the invoiceString
OrderIdPrimary key for the Orders schemaString
OrderItemIdItem number on the orderString
UpdatedAtDate of the last update of the recordDatetime

InvoiceItemOrders Schema Joins

The InvoiceItemOrders schema has relationships with the following schemas:

SchemaRelationship ColumnDescription
InvoicesInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the Invoices rows
InvoiceItemsInvoiceId, InvoiceItemIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the InvoiceItems rows
TrackingTransactionsInvoiceId, InvoiceItemIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the TrackingTransactions rows
OrdersOrderIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the Orders rows
OrderItemsOrderId, OrderItemIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the OrderItems rows
OrderBorgsOrderIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the OrderBorgs rows
OrderItemBOrgsOrderId, OrderItemIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the OrderItemBOrgs rows
OrderItemRequestsOrderId, OrderItemIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the OrderItemRequests rows
OrderItemDeliveriesOrderId, OrderItemIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the OrderItemDeliveries rows
OrderAddressesOrderIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the OrderAddresses rows
OrderItemDatesOrderId, OrderItemIdRelates the InvoiceItemOrders rows with the OrderItemDates rows


IdInternal identifierString
TenantIdCustomer identifierString
UpdatedAtDate of the last update of the recordDatetime
InvoiceIdPrimary key for the Invoices schemaString
InvoiceNumberInvoice numberString
StateBoolean column indicating whether the invoice approval is Open or ClosedString
StatusCodeStatus code of the WorkflowInteger
StatusNameName of the Workflow statusString
ApproverIdIdentifier of the invoice approverString
ApproverNameName of the invoice approverString
AssignedUserIdIdentifier of the user who issued the invoiceString
AssignedUserNameName of the user who issued the invoiceString
AssignedRoleIdIdentifier of the role/function of the person who issued the invoiceString
AssignedRoleNameName of the role/function of the person who issued the invoiceString
CreatedDateInvoice creation dateDatetime
ClosedDateDate when the invoice was closedDatetime

InvoiceApprovals Schema Joins

The InvoiceApprovals schema has relationships with the following schemas:

SchemaRelationship ColumnDescription
InvoicesInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceApprovals rows with the Invoices rows
UsersApproveIdRelates the InvoiceApprovals rows with the Users rows
UsersAssignedUserIdRelates the InvoiceApprovals rows with the Users rows


IdInternal identifierString
TenantIdCustomer identifierString
UpdatedAtDate of the last update of the recordDatetime
InvoiceIdPrimary key for the Invoices schemaString
NameAttribute nameString
DescriptionAttribute descriptionString
ValueAttribute valueString
AttributeIdIndicates the ID of the attribute filled for a given invoiceString

InvoiceAttributes Schema Joins

The InvoiceAttributes schema has relationships with the following schemas:

SchemaRelationship ColumnDescription
InvoicesInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceAttributes rows with the Invoices rows
InvoiceItemsInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceAttributes rows with the InvoiceItems rows
InvoiceItemOrdersInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceAttributes rows with the InvoiceItemOrders rows


IdInternal identifierString
TenantIdCustomer identifierString
UpdatedAtDate of the last update of the recordDatetime
InvoiceIdPrimary key for the Invoices schemaString
InvoiceItemIdItem on the InvoiceString
NameAttribute nameString
DescriptionAttribute descriptionString
ValueAttribute valueString
AttributeIdIndicates the ID of the item attribute filled for a given invoiceString

InvoiceItemAttributes Schema Joins

The InvoiceItemAttributes schema has relationships with the following schemas:

SchemaRelationship ColumnDescription
InvoicesInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceItemAttributes rows with the Invoices rows
InvoiceItemsInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceItemAttributes rows with the InvoiceItems rows
InvoiceItemOrdersInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceItemAttributes rows with the InvoiceItemOrders rows


IdInternal identifierString
TenantIdCustomer identifierString
UpdatedAtDate of the last update of the recordDatetime
AttachmentIdAttachment identifierInteger
AttachmentDocumentIdDocument identifier for the attachmentString
TypeType of attachmentString
NameName of the attachment (file name)String
InvoiceIdPrimary key for the Invoices schemaString

InvoiceAttachments Schema Joins

The InvoiceAttachments schema has relationships with the following schemas:

SchemaRelationship ColumnDescription
InvoicesInvoiceIdRelates the InvoiceAttachments rows with the Invoices rows